UNICEF Rights Respecting Silver Award


UNICEF Rights Respecting Silver Award

We are delighted to announce that Wood Green Academy has been awarded the prestigious Silver Award for being a Rights Respecting School. This remarkable achievement is a testament to our unwavering commitment to promoting children’s rights and creating an inclusive, respectful, and supportive learning environment for all our students.


This award reflects the dedication, hard work, and collaboration of our entire school community. We would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our staff, whose passion and commitment to fostering a rights-respecting culture have been instrumental in this success. Your efforts in integrating these values into our curriculum and daily practices have made a significant impact.


We also want to thank our incredible students. Your active participation, enthusiasm, and respect for each other’s rights have been inspiring. You have truly embodied the principles of the Rights Respecting School Award, and this recognition is as much yours as it is the school’s.


Together, we have created an environment where every student feels valued, heard, and respected. Let’s continue to build on this success and strive for even greater heights as we work towards the Gold Award.

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