Contact Wood Green Academy

contact us


Wood Green Academy

Wood Green Road


West Midlands

WS10 9QU

United Kingdom

Company Number



0121 556 4131

*Specific enquiries will be forwarded to the relevant team member or department.

School Reception Hours

Monday to Thursday: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Friday: 08:00 am - 3:30pm


Mr J Topham

Response to requests

For general enquiries from parents and other members of the public, please use the contact details above.


As a busy school, Wood Green Academy is not able to respond immediately to requests for a return phone call or email reply and someone at the school will aim to respond to requests within 2 school days.  The only exception would be if the request concerns a Safeguarding issue.  If this is the case please mark the email or inform the receptionist when you make the call.

The Academy is open during term

Monday 08:30 am – 3:40 pm*

Tuesday 08:30 am – 2:40 pm

Wednesday 08:30 am – 3:40 pm*

Thursday 08:30 am – 2:40 pm

Friday 08:30 am – 2:40 pm


Year 7 Enrichment Monday at 2:40pm - 3:40pm

Year 8 Enrichment Wednesday at 2:40pm - 3:40pm

Printed Documentation

To obtain any printed copies of documentation / information listed within this website, please contact us.

Key Contacts

For a list of our Key Contacts please see our Key Contacts Page

Media Enquiries

For media enquiries please contact 


To make a complaint please follow the Academy's Complaint Policy or alternatively please contact the Principal's PA:

Mrs Susan Dawes


Telephone: 0121 556 4131


She will be able to advise you the most appropriate person to assist you with your complaint.

Name and address of Chair of the Trust Board

Mrs Victoria Millward

Please forward all communications to the chair of the Trust Board to the postal address of the Academy, labelled for her attention.

For more information please visit the Trust Board page. 

Name and details of our SEN co-ordinator (SENDO)

Miss Gemma Fox


For more information please visit our SEND Provision page.

Details about our Academy's owner.

Wood Green Academy converted to academy status in February 2012. The Wood Green Academy Trust is the legal owner. The contact details for the trust are as above.

Our Location

Wood Green Academy is an 11-19 over-subscribed National Support School specialising in Sport, Maths and Computing.

Find Us

Excellence as Standard.

Company Number: 07538389 Registered in England